
Centenario Scout

Scouting Centenary

scouts at Brownsea Island

Sunrise Ceremony

The highlight of the celebrations on Brownsea was a sunrise ceremony and renewal of pledge. Watch our film to catch up with the day's events.

The sunrise ceremony took place this morning, at 8am. Chief scout, Peter Duncan roused the scouts at Brownsea and invited them all to renew their scouting promise.

We camped with the scouts and shared their celebrations, from their arrival on Brownsea to the sunrise ceremony. Use the link below to see the ceremony itself. This is the third of our Brownsea scouting films - follow the links to the right of this page to see the others.

The sunrise ceremony

One hundred years ago, Robert Baden-Powell led a party of around 20 boys on an eight day camping trip to Brownsea Island, in Poole Harbour.

The camp was an experiment, with spectacular success - and the scouting movement was born.

Robert Baden-Powell

Robert Baden-Powell

A century after that ground-breaking first camp, some 28 million scouts around the world have celebrated their centenary by gathering on the island for a sunrise ceremony and breakfast.

Scouting is now the biggest youth movement in the world and over 200 countries and territories are taking part. Many have held their own sunrise event. Around 300 sunrise events took place in Britain alone.

The eyes of the scouting world are on the celebrations at the birthplace of scouting - the camp on Brownsea Island.

Two Scouts from every National Scout Organisation renewed their Promise on the island at 8am - and our cameras were there to share the experience.

Referencia: BBC



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